– For More information about Reiki: www.reikiinhealing.org, www.oshoneoreiki.co.uk
– Osho Neo Reiki Facebook: Osho Neo Reiki
– Eckhart Tolle Website www.eckharttolle.com
– Thich Nhat Hanh Official Website www.thich-nhat-hanh.fr
Videos: You Tube Channel
Podcast: Music Without Frontiers Show
Website: luigipignatiello.com
For more information about Osho:
Osho Communes:
Osho in Uk:
For more information about Reiki in the UK:
Osho Neo Reiki The Reiki Association, The Uk Reiki Federation, Reki Council, The Reiki Alliance.
Resources recommended
Tao Te Ching – Lao-tzu’s Tao Te Ching, or Book of the Way, is the classic manual on the art of living. This book is about wisdom in action. It teaches how to work for the good with the effortless skill that comes from being in accord with the Tao, the basic principle of the universe. I’ve found Stephen Mitchell’s translation to be one of the best version.