FAM Program – Family Active Meditation

Family Active Meditation (Parents & Children)

All parents want their children to be happy and every child wants to live in a happy family. If meditation is so helpful to us, why not share it with the kids?



Family Active Meditation, is a place for families to come together, have fun, and learn how to re-create a meaningful life and share happiness, through a regular family meditation practice.

The simple but daring act of meditating together each day will blossom new life into the heart of families. Everyone will start experiencing changes to habitual family and individual patterns of relating to one another, step by step.

The family active meditation class offers a funny and joyful experience of meditation for kids and parents, as well as quiet moments of quality time, who will help to emphasizing loving- kindness, respect for others, and keeping a happy heart and positive attitude.

You will feel enormously blessed to have this time together and you will  start to realize how revolutionary this is going to be.


In this high-stress society, where pharmaceuticals are plan A for solving our children’s emotional and behavioral problems, where even little children are surrounded by violent images, in such a world, it’s more and more crucial to create and maintain a good meditation daily practice routine, a still place inside where our own inherent sanity can naturally arise, within young and old alike.

The family meditation class will help kid learn together how to develop harmony, confidence, and methods to calm their minds and be happily aware.

Each class includes fun activities that involve movements and dance before meditation takes place and so fostering kindness, cooperation and patience.

Many people think children can’t meditate because they have difficulty sitting still.

Although this is not true, with the Active Family Meditation, kids (and parents) will learn and develop positive way of thinking through movements and dance holding a positive state of mind, such as love and compassion.

In these classes, children and adults will also learn, guidelines that will help them to meditate. As they practice and gain experience, they will be able to sit quietly for longer periods of time.  These classes are designed for children ages 5 to 12, but all are welcome. Parents will attend the classes with their children.

Family Active Meditation (FAM)

Main topics:

– Explore inner life

– Experience the beauty of inner freedom

– Develop peace, wisdom and kindness

– Begin a meditation practice as a family


Cost:  £10 adult / £5 children

Duration: 90 min

Homeschooling Also Available 

To book your place now contact us or send us an email.