– Reiki shares

N20It is important to practice Reiki with other like-minded people in a supportive and nurturing environment. It is also a fantastic opportunity to network and to share information and experiences.

Reiki share groups are for ANYONE who is interested in taking part, no matter which level. Also those who have not learning it yet but are interested to know a bit more about it are very welcome.

The Reiki shares provide a fantastic opportunity to reconnect or to deepen our connection with Reiki as everyone is giving and receiving a treatment.

If you would like to join a Reiki share session, please send us an email .

Reiki shares + Kundalini Meditation take place EVERY LAST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH

From 7.45 pm TO 9.45 pm at Holistic Health, London E8 4QJ

Cost: £10